Press Release

Board View

South Korean Delegation from the Environment Ministry visited the Middle East

Sejong, May 15 - A South Korea's Environment Ministry delegation recently traveled to Saudi Arabia and Egypt from May 12 to 19. They aimed to showcase outstanding green technologies and industries, including seawater desalination, green hydrogen, and waste-to-energy. The visit aimed to create a stronger partnership between the governments and pave the way for Korean companies to expand into the Middle East region.

From May 13 for four days, Minister Han Wha-jin met with Saudi Arabian officials, including Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadhli, the Saudi Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture. They discussed cooperation for waste-to-energy projects in Saudi Arabia, as well as explored opportunities for Korean green technologies to be introduced to the Middle East through the "Middle East Green Initiative," which involves more than 20 Middle Eastern countries. Minister Han also met with His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Minister of Energy, to discuss plans for Korean companies to enter Saudi Arabia and work together in the green hydrogen sector.

Fourteen companies in the green industry, such as the Korea Environmental Industry Association and SK Ecoplant, joined the delegation to attend a Saudi-Korean Green Technology Seminar. Eight of these companies showcased their green technologies that could be utilized in Saudi Arabia and held export meetings with potential foreign buyers. In addition, K-water, an affiliated organization of the Ministry of Environment, and the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute discussed supporting domestic water companies in entering the Saudi market and transferring resource recycling policies and systems to Saudi Arabia.

A waste-to-energy plant built by a Korean SME in New Cairo, Egypt, will have a completion ceremony on May 17. The ceremony will be attended by over 50 people, including 5 Egyptian ministers and high-ranking officials from 10 ministries. Minister Han is scheduled to attend a ceremony commemorating the successful collaboration between the two countries. During the event, the Minister will encourage Korean companies participating in the project (JST) to explore opportunities in the Egyptian market.

Environment Minister Han Wha-jin said, "There is a significant need for cooperation in the green industry in the Middle East region, particularly in Saudi Arabia and Egypt." She added, "The government will firmly establish a cooperative relationship at the government level to ensure that our green industry can successfully enter the Middle East region. We will spare no support to alleviate the difficulties of companies."

Contact: Kim Won-bin, Deputy Director

Green Transition Policy Bureau / +82-(0)44-201-7562

Foreign Media Contact: Chun Minjo(Rachel)

+82-(0)44-201-6055 /