Press Release

Board View

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The EU Commission established the ecological criteria for award of eco-label to tourist accommodation services

On April 14, 2003, the EU Commission revealed its Decision to establish the ecological criteria for the award of the community eco-label to tourist accommodation service, which comprise of the provision, for a fee, of sheltered overnight accommodation in appropriately equipped rooms, food services, fitness activities, and/or green areas.

The ecological criteria are the result of scientific studies and extensive consultation within the European Union Eco-labelling Board (EUEB). These criteria are divided into mandatory criteria, all of which must be complied with, and optional criteria, a number of which must be complied with, with a total score of 16.5.

Mandatory criteria, where all has to be fulfilled, are composed of energy, water detergents and disinfectants, waste, and other services. Some of the key points are as the following : at least 22% of the electricity shall come from renewable energy sources, the water flow from taps and showers shall not exceed 12 liters/min., all waste water shall be properly treated, staff shall be trained on use of proper amount of detergent and disinfectant, and disposable products, such as one-portion/use toiletries, cups, plates and cutlery shall be prohibited from use.

Optional criteria are composed of energy, water, dangerous chemicals, waste, and other services which all have score requirements where a number of them must add up to a total of 16.5 points. Some of the key criteria and their points are, photovoltaic and wind generation of eletricity (2pts), heating from renewable energy sources (1.5pts), air conditioning(1.5pts), use of rainwater(1.5pts) and recycled water (1.5pts), dishwater water consumption (1pt), and detergents(up to 4 pts).

This Decision shall apply from May 1, 2003, until April 30, 2007. If on April 30, 2007, revised criteria have not been adopted, this Decision shall apply until April 30, 2008.

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