Press Release

Board View

MOE pays honour to Red Devils and cleaning workers for contributing to hosting Green World Cup (July 11, 2002)


Minister of Environment, MyungJa Kim presented an appreciation plaque to Red Devils, the national soccer team supporters, for creating and leading dynamic and clean World Cup cheering events on July 11, 2002.

The minister said that Red Devils greatly contributed to hosting Green World Cup by leading passionate cheering in an orderly manner and keeping the cheering venues clean. Minister Kim also said this passionate but orderly cheering promotes the image of 'Dynamic Korea, Clean Korea' to the international communities.

Ministry of Environment had worked togher with Red Devils to keep the World Cup Stadiums and street cheering places clean. MOE had shown a one-minute video 'Dynamic Korea, Clean Korea' to encourage the crowds to clean up the gathering places and designated 'clean-up time' after each game.

As a result of these efforts and Red Devils taking the leading role, voluntary cleaning-up has become customary practices that 80-90 percent of crowds had been taking part in. In addition, crowds in more than 400 'street cheering' sites, including Seoul City Hall Plaza and Gwanghwamun, had also voluntarily cleaned the places where they had stayed, showing Koreans' matured civic awareness to the world.

On July 10, MOE also rewarded 151 cleaning workers of 10 World Cup host cities for their intensive efforts. The Minister MyungJa Kim said that hosting Green World Cup owed not only to Red Devils' orderly cheering and citizens' voluntary participation, but also to the efforts of cleaning workers who gave finishing touch for cleaning-up until 3 to 6 am. The 151 cleaning workers received commendations and were sent to 2 days' trips at the government's expense.