Press Release

Board View

Hwaum Wetland Designated as Wetland Preservation Area (Jan.28, 2002)


The Ministry of Environment designated 124,000 square meters of Hwaum Wetland in Chunsung Mountain as Wetland Preservation Area in order to conserve the highly valued wetland ecosystems in accordance with the Wetland Preservation Act.

The wetland is located 800 meters above the sea and maintains a unique ecosystem of mountain wetlands. For example, rare wetland plants such as Primrose, Parnassia palustris, Habenaria linearifolia, and Iris ensata are native to Hwaum wetland. Furthermore, peat layers are largely formulated in the wetland, which preserves the history of wetland's ecosystem.

The Ministry of Environment will implement strict wetland preservation activities in Hwaum Wetland. Entrance to this area, changes in the nature of land, collecting plants, and any change in water level will be prohibited. In addition, studies on wetland ecosystem will be conducted in order to provide a comprehensive wetland preservation plan.