Press Release

Board View

Latest Environmental News from All Around the World (Sep. 9)


WSSD concluded with agreements on establishing a voluntary world solidarity fund to eradicate poverty, strongly urging States that have not already done so to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, reducing toxic chemicals and the current rate of biodiversity loss, etc.

- Safe Water and Sanitation: A committee set a goal for reducing by half the proportion of people who lack access to proper sanitation by 2015

- Energy: It is agreed to diversify energy source and increase recyclable energy use

- Climate Change: it is agreed to strongly urge States that have not already done so to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Russia, Canada and China announced their intentions to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, thus the possibility of implementation of Kyoto Protocol significantly increased.

- Toxic Chemicals: It is agreed to phase out, by 2020, the use and production of chemicals that harm human health and the environment

- Biodiversity loss: It is agreed to significantly reduce biodiversity loss by 2010.

EU will support 69 million Euro for waste and water management, etc to member nations and neighbouring nations. (Aug. 30)

- 20.4 million Euro for water management (29.4%), 15.7 million Euro for Waste management(22.5%), 15.7 million Euro for Clean technology and environmental management(22.6%), 13.5 million Euro for Coastal water management, etc. will be supported by EU LIFE program, which is the EU fund for environment and nature conservation, and support for the third countries.