Press Release

Board View

A workshop for cooperation in nanosafety research held in Seoul


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In cooperation with the National Institute of Environmental Research, the Ministry of Environment held a workshop for enhancing cooperation in nanosafety research at Seoul National University on June 18.


Participated by officials from the government (the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the Ministry of Environment) and experts from academia and industry, the workshop was held to exchange information and conduct a consultation on nanosafety policies so as to efficiently protect people’s health and environment.


At the workshop, presentations were given on diverse subjects including current status and future of nanosafety research, OECD, and the International Organization for Standardization. In addition, a panel discussion was conducted to make a strategy and enhance cooperation among departments on the management of nanosafety.


It is expected that the workshop will serve as the foundation for efficient management of nanosafety by improving information network among departments.