Press Release

Board View

Enhanced Environmental Policies on watershed management and drinking water management, etc. to be implemented starting from July (July 4, 2002)


Enhanced Environmental Policies on watershed management and drinking water management, etc. to be implemented starting from July (July 4, 2002)

Special Acts on Three Rivers' Watershed Management, enhanced drinking water management and waste management will be implemented, starting July 2002.  

First, Special Acts on Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan Rivers' Watershed Management will be implemented from July 15, 2002. By implementing these Acts, Total Pollution Load Management(TPLM) and 'water-user charges' will be introduced, and buffer zones for river corridors be designated.

The main contents of the Special Acts are as follows

- Areas 300 to 1000 meter wide surrounding major dams and upper stream regions will be designated as buffer zones, in which anthropogenic pollution will be strictly prohibited.
- Residents in lower stream should pay "water-use charges" to compensate the economic loss brought by the development restriction to the residents near the water source
- "Water-use charges" will be used for supporting programs for upper stream residents
- Use of pesticides and fertilizers near streams of three rivers will be limited
- The government may purchase land near the water sources for protection of water quality
- To help prevent environmental accidents in Nakdong River, buffering facilities will be established around industrial complexes.
- For facilities emit less water pollutant than the emission level of Ministry of Environment had set, MOE will support a part of their operation costs.

Second, enhanced drinking water management has been implemented since 1 July 2002. The main contents of the enhancements are:
- National drinking water quality standards are strengthened by increasing the number of inspection categories from 47 to 55.
- Standard analytic methods for viruses in the drinking water, certification system for drinking water treatment facilities  are introduced.

Third, Volume-based Waste Fee System has improved to rectify the problems of declining in voluntary community clean-up and the inconvenience of purchasing authorized garbage bags, in which the cost of treatment is internalized.  
- A township-unit waste fee system in countryside areas has been implemented, obligating each town to pay for the waste it produces as a whole.
- Large stores can give multipurpose bag that can carry goods home and then be used as garbage bags.

Lastly, local governments obligates to monitor pollution emission facilities, changed from local environmental agencies had done the task.