Press Release

Board View

Environment Ministry to revise the breeding regulations, including globally endangered species subject to permission for artificial reproduction

▷ The Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the 'Wildlife Protection and Management Act' was partially amended

Sejong, March 17 - The Ministry of Environment (Minister Han Wha-jin) partially amended the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the Wildlife Protection and Management Act (hereinafter referred to as the 'Wildlife Act'). The act shall enter into force immediately after promulgation on March 14, 2023. 'Globally endangered species" means any of animals and plants, the international transaction of which is regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (hereinafter referred to as the "CITES"). Those who intend to export and import globally endangered species must obtain permission from the local environmental offices affiliated with the Ministry of Environment. Permission for artificial reproduction should be required for globally endangered species, and their breeding facilities should be registered according to standards for installation to ensure the safety of globally endangered species and improve animal welfare. 

The revision was intended to update the contents of the law, such as the addition or deletion of target species, by reviewing the appropriateness of breeding management, such as globally endangered species subject to permission for artificial reproduction1 and the standards for installation of breeding facilities2. 

The number of globally endangered species of which artificial reproduction will be restricted because of the risk of causing serious harm to humans increased from 20 to 64. For Crocodylia, only seven species were subject to permission for artificial reproduction before, but the number of species subject to permission has increased to all 26 species. For Elapidae, only one species was subject to permission, but the number of species subject to permission has increased to 16. No species of Viperidae was subject to permission for artificial reproduction before, but now all 8 species are included in the revision. Twelve Carnivora, including eight species of Felidae (cheetah, lion, etc.) and four species of Ursidae (Malay bear, Asian black bear, etc.), were maintained to be subject to permission for artificial reproduction.

Classification	Before Revision	After Revision  Species Subject to Permission for Artificial Reproduction	Total: 20 species  · Crocodylia: 7 species  · Elapidae (Serpentes): 1 species  · Viperidae (Serpentes) 0  · Mammalia (Carnivora): 12 species		Total: 64 species (+44)  · Crocodylia: 28 species (+21)  · Elapidae (Serpentes): 16 species (+15)  · Viperidae (Serpentes): 8 species (+8)  · Mammalia (Carnivora): 12 species

The number of globally endangered species subject to registration of breeding facilities has been increased from 90 to 132 (45 species added, 3 species deleted) to protect globally endangered species and create a sound breeding environment. In particular, the Asian elephant has been added to the species list subject to registration of breeding facilities because the size of breeding facilities, such as breeding areas and outdoor activity areas, significantly impacts individual survival and needs continuous management. 

Three species-Geochelone sulcata, Testudo (Manouria) emys, and Ambystoma mexicanum-were deleted from the list. Based on the current status of breeding facilities of endangered species in Korea, those mentioned above have not been found to fall under any of the reasons for breeding facility registration specified in relevant laws, including damage to the human body, disturbance to the ecosystem, classification as a potential disease carrier, and the need for obligatory facilities.

Classification	Before Revision	After Revision  Species subject to registration of breeding facilities	Total: 90 species  ① Species Subject to Permission for Artificial Reproduction: 20 species  ② Species that may disturb the ecosystem: 6 species  ③ Species that may be infected with a disease: 40 species  ④ Species that need to be observed: 24 species	Total: 132 species (+45, △3)  ① Species Subject to Permission for Artificial Reproduction: 64 species (+44)  * (Added species) All species of Crocodylia, Elapidae, and Viperidae  ② Species that may disturb the ecosystem: 4 species (△2)  * (Deleted species) Geochelone sulcata, Testudo (Manouria) emys  ③ Species that may be infected with a disease: 40 species (-)  ④ Species that need to be observed: 24 species (+1, △1)  * (Added species) Asian elephant, (Deleted species) Ambystoma mexicanum

The standards for breeding facilities that must be observed when registering breeding facilities have also been revised by reifying provisions related to protecting globally endangered species and creating a sound breeding environment (breeding environment, health, behavior control, etc.) In addition, the revision requires additional reports to be filed when transferring, acquiring, and dying the globally endangered species for non-commercial purposes to prevent the use for non-designated purposes.

More information on the revised Standards for Breeding Facility of Globally Endangered Species is available in the 'Legal Information' section of the Ministry of Environment website ( Those breeding globally endangered species newly added in the amended standards for breeding facilities before the enforcement date can register their existing facilities as it is. However, these facilities must meet the revised standards within four years.

Jeong Hwan-jin, Director of Biodiversity Division at the Ministry of Environment, stated, "The revision is intended to make up for the operational deficiencies in the management system of globally endangered species." He added, "The revision will help ensure the effectiveness of the management system of globally endangered species and provide more detailed requirements relating to the environment, health, and behavior control when breeding those species, thus improving animal welfare."


1 (Species Subject to Permission for Artificial Reproduction) Globally endangered species, the artificial reproduction of which needs to be restricted because of the risk of causing serious harm to human life, body, or property due to the characteristics of such species. Those who want to reproduce endangered wildlife imported or brought in should acquire permission from the Minister of Environment.

2 (Species Subject to Registration of Breeding Facilities) To protect globally endangered species and create a sound breeding environment, a person who intends to breed globally endangered species shall be registered with the Minister of environment after being equipped with an adequate breeding facility. 1) Species Subject to Permission for Artificial Reproduction; 2) Wildlife that may disturb the ecosystem; 3) Species that may cause zoonosis; 4) Species that need to be continuously observed

Contact: Joo Woo-min, Deputy Director

Biodiversity Division / +82-(0)44-201-7244

Foreign Media Contact: Chun Minjo(Rachel)

+82-(0)44-201-6055 /