Press Release

Board View

NIBR Unveils Two New Species of Parasitic Flies


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 NIBR Unveils Two New Species of Parasitic Flies

The National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR, President Chong-chun Kim) reported two new species of parasitic flies belonging to the genus Metadrinomyia in December issue of Zootaxa. The NIBR research team made the successful discovery by extensively comparing, examining and investigating specimens of the entire known species of Metadrinomyia including those inhabiting foreign countries as well as Korea.


Unlike common flies, which are often observed in unsanitary conditions, the newly uncovered species are usually found in mountains and live off nectar. Most notably, their biological feature is very distinctive in that the parasitic larvae live and feed off within the body of host insects and kill the hosts when they emerge from the host to pupate. They are parasitic on the most of harmful insects including moths, beetles and true bugs. These parasitic flies seem to prevent sudden and abnormal increase in population of a certain group of insects in ecosystem.


These new species of Metadrinomyia are designated as Metadrinomyia flavifrons and Metadrinomyia xanthokolos. The scientists believe that there are approximately 12,000 different kinds of flies belonging to Tachinidae around the world; however, only 100 indigenes have been reported in Korea, requiring persistent research.


Further research on the relationship between parasitic flies within the genus Metadrinomyia and host insects is expected to contribute to developing effective pest control and pesticide reduction, thereby ensuring food safety and forest conservation. The NIBR plans to continue its in-depth research on the parasitic flies as a way to support biotechnology industry as well as to respond to climate change in a pre-emptive manner. 




Metadrinomyia flavifrons (male)       Metadrinomyia flavifrons (female)



Metadrinomyia xanthokolos (male)     Metadrinomyia xanthokolos (female)





By Ju-rae Cho and Hye-woo Byun (+82-32-590-7261)

National Institute of Biological Resources