Press Release

Board View

Greet the New Year with the Rising Sun at the National Parks


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Greet the New Year with the Rising Sun at the National Parks



◇ 48 places of 19 national parks including Cheonwangbong (peak) in Jirisan (Mt.) are ready to greet visitors who want to see the sunrise on New Year’s Day.


◇ Warm beverages will be served to visitors but sufficient preparations for safe hiking are necessary.



□ Korea National Park Service (Chairman Hong-woo Eum) announced that on the occasion of New Year’s Day, 48 places of 19 national parks would serve warm beverages to visitors who come to see the sunrise and let rescue team stand by in case of emergency.


□ Attractions for seeing the sunrise at national parks are 48 places including the follows:

Cheonwangbong and Nogodan in Jirisan, Daecheongbong in Seoraksan, Munjangdae in Songnisan, Hyangjeokbong in Deogyusan, Birobong in Odaesan, Guemsan in Hallyeohaesang, and Baekundae in Bukhansan

Visitors’ centers at each entrance of trails will provide warm beverages and guidebook to visitors.

○ Visitors who want to see the sunrise at Cheonwangbong in Jirisan are required to make a reservation for nearby shelters including Jangteomok.


□ An official of Korea National Park Service said full gears including winter clothes, climbing irons, and lanterns are necessary for safe hiking during cold night. In addition, those who are not in good conditions or have a disease such as hypertension and heart disease should refrain from hiking.

○ As some trails in high mountains have dangerous circumstances such as unmelted snow and shadow, visitors should follow the instructions from staff or rescue workers not getting out of designated trails.

○ Moreover, checking the weather conditions in advance is necessary in case of being prohibited from entering the national parks because of heavy-snowfall watch.



                                                                The Sunrise in Deogyusan(Mt.)