Press Release

Board View

Seoul's 'green area' expands over the past four years (June 19, 2002)


The "green area" such as parks and forest in Seoul is steadily expanding, according to the Seoul Metropolitan Government's report on June 17, 2002.

According to Seoul City, 2.5 sq. kilometers of the green zones has increased (from 101.8 sq. kilometers to 104.3 sq. kilometers) in 2002 compared to 1998. The green area per person also increased from 9.87 sq. meters to 10.1 sq. meters in the past four years.

Those figures, however, do not include the national parks in Seoul Metropolitan area. When Mt. Bukhansan National Park and the Han riverside parks are included, the total green area in Seoul rises to 155.8 million sq. meters, or 25.7 percent of the entire metropolitan area.

In the past four years, Seoul City opened the 1,547.220 sq. meters World Cup Park where used to be landfill sites. 130,320 sq. meters Memorial Park, and 110.407 sq.-meter Seonyu-do  Island Park also opened in the city. The city also transformed city-established apartment complexes about 53,811 sq. meters into parks. Seoul City also opened 17,034 sq. meters of parks where used to be a municipal hospital or a military camp.

Seoul Metropolitan government also plans to expand more green area in Seoul by relocating facilities, and by allocating park areas during the city-zoning process.