Press Release

Board View

Minister of Environment Myung Ja Kim participates in the Fourth Summit Preparatory Committee (PREPCOM 4) for WSSD from June 3 to 8, 2002.


The Fourth Summit Preparatory Committee (PREPCOM 4) for World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) is being held on 27 May - 07 June 2002 in Bali, Indonesia with participants from 189 UN member nations' governments, international organizations, and NGOs.

The Minister of Environment, Myung Ja Kim will participate the High Level Segment from 5 to 7 June that is expected to yield Political Declaration and an Action Agenda for WSSD.

According to the United Nations, PrepCom 4 will draw the agreed text from the previous PrepCom to prepare a concise and focused document that will aim to:

- emphasize the need for a global partnership to achieve the objectives of sustainable development,
- reconfirm the need for an integrated and strategically focused approach to the implementation of Agenda 21, and
- address the main challenges and opportunities faced by the international community in this regard.

In previous PrepComs, it is agreed that poverty is the most urgent problem to be solved for sustainable development. However, delegations from developed countries and developing countries failed to narrow their views on action strategies such as establishing fund for combat poverty and Official Development Assistance. Likewise, other issues such as promotion of sustainable consumption and production, climate change, globalization and health concern had not discussed in detail. Thus, discussions on these issues are expected to make progress in PrepCom 4, which is the last preparatory committee before WSSD in Johannesburg from August 26 to September 4.

In this meeting, the Minister will endeavor for environmental cooperation and promote Korea's environmental policies. Acknowledging that poverty is closely related to the issues of health, nature conservation, and drinking water, the Minister will introduce Korean environmental policies on these issues, such as Total Load Management System, Volume-based Waste Fee system and Comprehensive Water Management Strategies.

The Minister will also participate in Women Environment Ministers' Meeting on June 4 and discuss ways to contribute WSSD as women leaders. In addition, Environment Ministers Meeting among Korea, China, Japan and Mongolia will be held on June 8 in order to discuss fund raising from Global Environment Facility for mitigating Yellow Sand Phenomenon. The minister also will participate OECD Environment Ministers' Meeting and have bilateral meetings with the environment ministers of U.S.A., Mexico and Australia.