Press Release

Board View

Coal Gangue, Pathway Opened for Utilization Beyond Waste Regulations

▷ Minister of the Interior and Safety, Minister of Environment, Governor of Gangwon State, Mayor of Taebaek City attend ‘Coal Gangue Regulation Improvement Memorandum of Understanding Ceremony’ (June 13)

▷ Excluding coal gangue from waste regulations and industrial utilization such as construction materials and new materials

The Minister of the Interior and Safety (Lee Sang-min) and the Minister of Environment (Han Wha-jin), along with Governor of Gangwon State (Kim Jin Tae) and Mayor of Taebaek City (Lee Sang-ho), signed a ‘Memorandum of Understanding for Coal Gangue Regulation Improvement’ on Thursday, June 13, at Gangwon State Office.

※ Summary of the Agreement Ceremony[Time/Place] June 13, 2024 (Thursday), 4 p.m. / Gangwon State Office[Attendees] Minister of the Interior and Safety, Minister of Environment, Governor of Gangwon State, Mayor of Taebaek City

In this memorandum of understanding ceremony, it was agreed to exclude coal gangue, which has been managed as waste, from waste through environmentally friendly management. The institutions also agreed to cooperate and support each other for the industrial utilization of coal gangue.

* Coal gangue: Rock mixed with coal during the mining process, with approximately 200 million tons existing domestically

Coal gangue has been treated as waste due to unclear management responsibility and insufficient economic utilization methods. However, recently developed technologies for using coal gangue in construction materials and ceramics have increased corporate investment interest.

In response to this, Gangwon State and Taebaek City, which are promoting coal replacement local industries amid successive mine closures, proposed regulatory improvements to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS, responsible for local regulations) to use coal gangue as a new material resource. The Ministry of Environment (ME), as the relevant authority, empathized with the region’s challenges and collaborated closely to devise practical solutions together.

Furthermore, during the recent Gangwon Region Livelihood Forum (March 11), there was in-depth discussion on regulatory improvements related to utilizing coal gangue industrially, aiming to grasp the key aspects of regulatory enhancements.

As a result, during the 12th Local Regulatory Innovation Committee meeting (May 31), the ME and local governments agreed and resolved to create a system enabling environmentally friendly management of coal gangue, thereby improving waste regulations.

* Local Regulatory Innovation Committee: An advisory body established under the Regulatory Reform Committee to provide specialized review and coordination for local regulations. It operates based on guidelines set forth in the MOIS directive (Guidelines for the Operation of the Local Regulatory Innovation Committee) aimed at regulatory reform.

This regulatory improvement is estimated to bring economic benefits amounting to KRW 338.3 billion. Direct benefits, including revenue from raw material sales and aggregate sales, are estimated at KRW 154.5 billion, while indirect benefits, expected from resumed development activities and others, are predicted to amount to KRW 183.8 billion. 

* Research results from Gangwon Technopark’s Raw Material Industry Support Center (located in Taebaek)

Furthermore, while areas where coal gangue has been buried have faced challenges in land utilization, it is anticipated that with the establishment of a management system for newly discovered coal gangue during regional development processes, redevelopment activities such as construction will become more feasible in the future.

The MOIS, the ME, Gangwon State, and Taebaek City have signed a memorandum of understanding focusing primarily on reconfi.rming each agency’s responsibilities and making commitments to ensure seamless implementation to enhance the effectiveness of these regulatory improvements.

Under this agreement, the four organizations will strengthen cooperation throughout the entire process of regulatory improvement related to coal gangue management. This includes drafting regulations and ordinances, implementing exclusion of waste, and spreading these practices to other local governments. ☞ The full text of the agreement is referenced in Attachment 2.

[Ministry of Environment] The ME will establish environmentally friendly management guidelines* for coal gangue through directives, and will improve waste-related regulations for coal gangue that is managed in an environmentally safe manner.

* (Main contents) ▲ Comprehensive local management ▲ Verification of hazardous substance content ▲ Appropriate collection and management ▲ Measures to reduce fine dust 

[Ministry of the Interior and Safety] The MOIS strengthens administrative and institutional support to facilitate regulatory improvements that can aid regional development, overseeing the enactment of regulations related to coal gangue and ensuring compliance with agreed-upon measures.

[Gangwon State/Taebaek City] Gangwon State and Taebaek City enact ordinances regarding the management system of coal gangue, covering collection, transportation, importation, storage, and post-management, and strengthen the regulation of coal gangue exportation through waste disposal sites.

According to the agreement signed today, each organization will complete the implementation of regulatory improvements by enacting and enforcing directives and ordinances.

Regarding this agreement, Minister Lee Sang-min stated, “Gangwon State has identified necessary regulatory issues crucial for regional development, and the ME has proposed appropriate solutions.” He further expressed, “We are pleased to deliver good news to the people of Gangwon who have faced challenges due to coal gangue, and the MOIS will continue to make consistent efforts to alleviate persistent regulations in other regions, revitalizing local economies.”

In response, Minister Han Wha-jin remarked, “We must always examine whether there are regulations that unnecessarily inconvenience and burden the public.” She added, “This agreement serves as a model of mutual cooperation between the government and local authorities, marking a milestone for rational regulatory improvements. We will spare no effort in supporting the environmentally friendly management and active industrial utilization of coal gangue, freed from waste regulations.”

Governor Kim Jin Tae of Gangwon State mentioned, “The former mining areas have gained a chance for revitalization, and we are grateful to Minister Lee Sang-min, Minister Han Wha-jin, and all involved parties for their efforts.” He added, “We will strive to utilize coal gangue effectively and contribute to its value.”

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division. 

Contact person: Gina Lee, foreign media spokesperson

Phone: +82-44-201-6055

Email: gcjgina