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Studies disclosed at the 3rd World Water Forum indicate that the "Garden of Eden" in Southern Iraq is likely to disappear

Studies, disclosed on March 22, 2003 at the 3rd World Water Forum taking place in Kyoto, Japan, indicate that the Marshlands of Mesopotamia, considered by some to be the Biblical location of the Garden of Eden, and widely known as the fertile crescent, are continuing to disappear at a significant rate; also of the 10 percent of the marshlands left, one third has disappeared in the past two years.

Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the UNEP who attended the Forum, expressed his concern and hope that more "decisive and concrete action" is needed to rehabilitate the marshlands, and post-war rehabilitation plans should include the restoration of the Marshlands of Mesopotamia for the sake of people and wildlife.

UNEP's Post-Conflict Assessment Unit (PCAU) initiates Desk Study of environment in Iraq

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced on March 21, 2003 that UNEP's Post Conflict Assessment Unit (PCAU) has initiated a Desk Study of the environment in Iraq.

The study, requested by UNEP's Executive Director, in line with the mandate for UNEP post-conflict activities set by the organization's Governing Council, will be financially supported by the Government of Switzerland.

The study is aimed at providing a rapid and timely overview of key environmental issues in the context of the ongoing war in Iraq. It will draw information from many available sources, such as current media, government, and NGO reports, where the UNEP will prepare a preliminary assessment of the most pressing environmental challenges.