Press Release

Board View

China, South and North Korea, Mongolia, and Russia will sign Strategic Action Program for conserving Tumen River environment (Oct. 15, 2002)


Paralleled with the second Global Environment Facility (GEF) Assembly to be held from October 16 to 18 in Beijing, five countries will sign "Strategic Action Program" for environmental preservation in Tumen River area on Oct. 18.

As one of the TumenNET Projects funded by GEF, "Strategic Action Plan (SAP)" will be signed by five relevant ministers or vice minister from China, South and North Korea, Mongolia, and Russia. Upon signing the Strategic Action Plan, the five countries express their willingness to solve transboundary environmental problems such as yellow sand phenomenon and water pollution.

TumenNET projects have been implemented since August 2000 with the support of GEF, aiming at protecting transboundary biodiversity and water resources in border areas, conducting diagnostic analysis, raising environmental awareness, and prepararing "Strategic Action Plan".

One hundred million dollars from participant countries and 60 million dollars from international organizations will be transferred to the SAP. SAP includes 46 environmental protection projects, like protection of biodiversity, expansion of sewerage system, raising environmental awareness and capacity building. Especially, South Korea suggested gratuitously support 40 million dollars for waste water treatment in Northeast Asia in consultation with industrial sectors.

At the second GEF Assembly, soil degradation and Persistent Organic Pollutatns (POPs) is expected to be added to the new projects for funding. Minister Myung Ja Kim will meet El-Ashry, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of GEF, and relevant ministers in order to facilitate interest and support in projects to mitigate yellow sand phenomenon in Northeast Asia.