Press Release

Board View

The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Labor Signed an MOU on Promoting Social Enterprises


 The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Labor Signed an MOU on Promoting Social Enterprises





The Minister of Environment and the Ministry of Labor signed a memorandum of understanding on promoting social enterprises on May 10, 2010.


Among 287 social enterprises, 51 are environmental companies, whose majority are recycling and cleaning service companies, accounting for 80 percent. The two ministries signed an MOU to create services and jobs in diverse fields including environmental education, health, and green purchasing as well as recycling and cleaning fields.


Signing the MOU, the two ministries agreed to conduct joint research on promotion of social enterprises of environmental fields and discover and spread models for social enterprises in promising new fields.


Tae-hee Yim, the minister of labor said demand in the environmental field will increase in the future and social enterprises are expected to meet the rising demand, contributing to green growth.


Maanee Lee, the minister of environment said signing the MOU can be a substantial opportunity to promote social enterprises in environmental fields.