Press Release

Board View

The Han River Joins Total Water Pollution Load Management System



The Han River Joins Total Water Pollution Load Management System

※ The Han River joins 3 major rivers, Keum River, Nakdong River and Youngsan/Sumjin River, for total water pollution load management system

■ Ministry of Environment announced on May 6 that cabinet council choose the partial amendment of [The Han River system''s water resource quality improvement and residents support Act] which makes the system mandatory to be submitted.      

■ Total Water Pollution Load Management System controls amount of contaminants to be maintained under the calculated maximum permissible level to reach and maintain set water quality goals.
○ It is an advanced basin management policy which pursue harmony of environment and development by providing development options accordingly with the reduced discharge amount. Japan and the USA also enforce the total maximum loading system of pollutants.  

■ Han river system, along with the other three major river bodies, will be subject to comprehensive pollution load management system. The river will be managed with permissible discharge maximum and polluting responsibilities of upper and lower reaches.    

■ The amended act, after President''s approval, is scheduled to be submitted to the national assembly in May and it is expected to be finalized and announced after consideration of annexation with representative proposals suggested by Assemblyman Chung, Byung-Kook and Assemblyman Song, Hoon-Suk.