Press Release

Board View

Survey on Concentrations of Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals


The Ministry of Environment (MoE) and the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) released the results of the survey on the concentrations of Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals (EDSs) including Dioxin which remain in the environment. The survey was carried out centering on 83 major industrial complexes nationwide from March 2005 to October 2006. Key findings are as follow:


- The average concentration of Dioxin in ambient air is 0.154 pg-TEQWHO/S㎥, and dioxin concentrations found in soil are ranging from 0.001 to 63.441pg-TEQWHO/g.


 - Most dioxins (approximately 98 percent of total emissions) are absorbed at particles and have a wide variety of isomers depending on the types of emission sources including incinerators, steel-making industries and so on.


- The average Vitellogenin (Vg) concentration of male crucian carp in the non-polluted areas is below 10㎍/mL. This result shows no evidence that the crucian carp has been exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals in its habitats.


The Ministry plans to establish the Environmental Quality Standard for and the Emission Standard for Dioxin, and thereby, to systematically control and manage the substance. To this end, the Ministry has already submitted to the National Assembly a draft bill on the management of POPs Including dioxin.