Press Release

Board View

The government to be committed to reducing particulate matter in springtime

▷ The Ministry of Environment will suspend the operation of more coal power plants, exclusively manage businesses emitting massive air pollutants, and collect agricultural waste

Sejong, February 28 - The government held a meeting of the Special Policy Committee on Fine Dust (Committee Chair: Prime Minister, Professor Moon Gil-ju) on February 24, 2023. The Committee finalized the "Comprehensive Response Measures for Springtime Ultrafine Particles" to prevent preemptively highly concentrated ultrafine particles with concerned authorities, local governments, and the private sector during springtime. 

March has the highest concentration level of ultrafine particles and has the highest number of "bad" days (36 ㎍/㎥ or more), requiring special response measures. Furthermore, according to the forecasts by the Korea Meteorological Administration, the average temperature in March 2023 is expected to be higher than the average years (3.9°C~7.1°C). It may lead to more frequent high-concentration ultrafine particles from atmospheric stagnation. Thus, the Korean government will do its utmost to reduce highly concentrated ultrafine particles in springtime with concerned organizations, local governments, and the private sector to achieve the goal of the fourth seasonal fine dust management program. 

The Comprehensive Response Measures will be implemented from February 27 to March 31, 2023, including the three pillars of △ Better implementation, △  Enhanced implementation tasks, and △ Stronger emergency reduction measures. 

< Improve on-site implementation > 

During the response measures, the number of suspended electric generators at coal power plants will be increased from 8~14 (during the winter season) to 17~26. The power output will be limited to 80% for a maximum of 36 generators. 

The heads of the local environmental office will exclusively manage 33 companies that emit massive air pollutants. An official will visit the site at least once a week to inspect emission reductions. 

From February 27 to March 10, the local environmental offices, the National Institute of Environmental Research, local governments, and the private sector will crack down on 13,150 companies in 48 industrial complexes in the country with large volumes of pollutant-emitting facilities.

< Enhanced implementation tasks >

With agricultural organizations, the government will collect agricultural waste in rural areas from February 20 to April 30. With a joint inspection group of the local governments, the Ministry will crack down on illegal incineration around all rural areas. 

The government will conduct wet scavenging of air pollutants in waiting rooms of train stations and underground stations. At the same time, the government will extend the hours of running the ventilation system. It will also conduct more inspections on exhaust emissions for special airport vehicles (160 cars → 200 cars a month). Also, more inspections will be made on indoor air quality management for 2,156 multi-use facilities, including subway stations, train stations, and airports.

Moreover, the government will continue its crackdown on the amount of sulfur content in ships' fuel (630 ships → 750 ships) to control fine particles around harbors. It will strengthen the inspection of preventing facilities for flying dust at the cargo's loading docks (21 times → 24 times a month).

The early scrappage subsidy program will be extended to grade 4 diesel vehicles from grade 5 diesel vehicles. The subsidy amount for low-income groups and small business owners will be increased. Owners of cars under 3.5 tons will be eligible for an early scrappage subsidy when the vehicle owners purchase zero-emission cars after scraping their old diesel ones.

Changes in early scrappage subsidy program  Classification	Target	Details	Before	After  All	Grade 4·5	More subsidies for low-income groups and small business owners	10% of the vehicle price (Approx. KRW 150,000)	KRW 1 million  Under 3.5 tons	Grade 4·5	More subsidies when purchasing zero-emission vehicles	Passenger cars with 5 seats or fewer	All cars  	Grade 5	More subsidies for commercial and special vehicles among those that cannot install emission reduction devices	KRW 600,000	KRW 1 million  3.5 tons or more	Grade 4·5	Additional subsidies even when purchasing used cars	· (New car) 200% of the cost of the scrapped car	(New car) 200% of the cost of the scrapped car	(New car) 200% of the cost of the scrapped car  · (Used car) 100% of the cost of the scrapped car

< Stronger emergency reduction measures > 

Public businesses operated by public organizations will reduce emissions by an additional 10% more when emergency reduction measures are implemented (15%-20% → 25%-30%).

Minister of Environment Han Wha-jin said, "It is predicted that the average temperature in this year's spring will be higher than the average years. It is likely to occur more frequently in high-concentration ultrafine particles from atmospheric stagnation." She added, "The government will preemptively implement reduction measures with local governments and the private sector to minimize the occurrence of high concentrations of fine particles in spring."

Contact: Song Seok-sub, Senior Deputy Director

Air Quality Policy Division / +82-(0)44-201-6871

Foreign Media Contact: Chun Minjo(Rachel)

+82-(0)44-201-6055 /