Press Release

Board View

96% of the public said that environmental damages caused by hazardous chemical substances are at a serious level, survey says


On 22 November 2002, Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS), conducted a nationwide phone survey on 1,000 adults on the public awareness of hazardous chemical substance management, at the request of the Ministry of Environment and the Government Information Agency. This was the first time such survey was conducted on this issue. The survey showed that 96% of the respondents said that environmental damages caused by the hazardous chemical substances are very serious (51%), or somewhat serious (45%). When asked who is the biggest threat sources, the survey pointed to chemicals substances discharged from the industries and incineration facilities, as well as, those contained in automobile emissions.

However, when asked which is the most urgent environmental problem, only 10.2% said the management of hazardous chemical substances, far below water pollution (31.6%), waste treatment (24.9%), and air pollution (20.6%).

The survey results also showed 32.3% of the public felt that lack of appropriate legislation and measures are the primary cause of the environmental damage caused hazardous chemical substances, and in order to reduce such damage the government has to take action on strengthening measures for hazardous chemical substance management. Also, 38.9% felt that more information is needed, especially on the level of chemical substance on the natural environment and the implications of chemical substances on human health.

With the new findings, the Ministry of Environment plans to strengthen measures for hazardous chemical management by establishing necessary laws, expanding research on chemical substance use and also by providing more information to the public with awareness activities.