Press Release

Board View

"International Symposium on Sustainable Water Use" held in celebration of the International Year of Freshwater


In commemoration of the International Year of Freshwater, the "International Symposium on Sustainable Water Use", co-organized by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, the Korea Water Resources Corporation, and Korea Environment Institute, and sponsored by Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Office for Government Policy Coordination will take place in COEX, on April 24, 2003.

Beginning with the opening address by Dr. Yersu Kim, Secretary-General for the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Ms. Han Myung Sook, Minister of Environment will be presenting congratulatory remarks. In the afternoon sessions, experts from Korea and abroad will be invited to make presentations on the proposed topics, and to have a discussion on them. Among the expected 300 participants are, central and local governmental officials, researchers, NGO activists and the general public.

This symposium will provide a chance to discuss follow-ups to the 3rd World Water Forum in March in Kyoto, Japan, and exchange ideas and experiences on water resource management against flood disasters, water demand management and source water protection. Also, it will contribute to increasing public awareness of the importance of sustainable freshwater use and management.