Press Release

Board View

Tripartite Environment Ministers' Meeting (TEMM) will be held in Korea in April 20-21 , 2002.


Environment Ministers of Korea, China and Japan will have meetings for regional environmental cooperation. Various joint environmental projects, such as Ecological Conservation Project, Study on Long-range Transboundary Pollutants,  exchange of environmental technologies and establishment of environmental education networks will be discussed in this meeting.

Especially, substantial measures to mitigate and forecast yellow sand will be discussed in detail as a continuum of the three nations' efforts since the second TEMM in 2000. TEMM might be introduced to the World Summit for Sustainable Development as an ideal regional cooperation model.

The followings are the regional environmental projects that are suggested at TEMM and jointly implemented in three nations.

- Ecological Conservation Project in Northwest China
- TEMM Freshwater(Lake) Pollution Project
- TEMM Environmental Industries Roundtable
- Tripartite Joint Environmental Training Plan
- Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN)
- TEMM website
- The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia
- International Joint Research for Long-range Transboundary Air Pollutants in Northeast Asia
- North East Asian Center for Environmental Data and Training

For more information on TEMM, visit official website at