Press Release

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The European Union(EU) sets new regulations on labeling GMO derived foods

The European Union(EU) welcomed the agreement reached on Nov. 28, 2002, by the Agriculture Council to label all foods consisting of, or containing GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), on a threshold of no higher than 0.9%.

The Commission had proposed a 1% threshold, but Britain objected to the proposal saying that the regulation is too harsh, since the minute traces of GMOs under 1% cannot be assessed scientifically. Therefore, the regulation was relieved to 0.9% from the 0.5% threshold.

This new law further ensures consumer choice through labelling of GMO derived food and establishes a solid EU system to regulate the products on the market and labelling of food and feed products derived from GMOs.

Canada announces Climate Change Plan, for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

On November 21, 2002, the Government of Canada released the Climate Change Plan for Canada, to achieve Canada's climate change objective of reducing annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 240 megatonnes (MT).

The Plan sets out a three-step approach. First, there are the investments to date for a total reduction of 80 MT. Second, there is a new a strategy for a further 100 MT reduction. And finally, it drafts a number of potential actions for the future which would enable Canada to address the remaining 60 MT reduction.

By the end of the second step, there will be about 179 MT reduction, from the following areas:
Transportation, Housing and Commercial/Institutional Buildings(33MT)
Large Industrial Emitters(96MT)
Agriculture, Forestry and Landfills(38MT)
International Emissions Reductions(12MT)