Press Release

Board View

The Processing of Gasoline and Diesel from Waste Plastic and Waste Oil has been developed (Jan. 22, 2002)


As environmental venture compary ROYCO KOREA Institute of Energy Research developed the Processing of Gasoline and Diesel from Waste Plastic and Waste Oil, which efficiently extracts high quality gasoline from waste plastic.

The Process practices Machanism of Non-Catalytic Cracking Reaction, which happens under 350~500 degree celcius and 200~400 pressure without catalyst, and decompose synthetic high polymer to low polymer matters such as diesel and gasoline. Almost all kinds of waste plastic such as PE, PP, and PVC can be used, extracting 80% of diesel, 15% of LPG and only 5 % of waste.

The company accepted orders from local governments to build commercial plants, and is planning to export the technology to developing countries including Asian nations. The CEO of the company projects that by the year 2002, 25% of waste plastic will be recycled to extract 1.35 million tons of oil, which estimates about 670 billion won.