Press Release

Board View

Minister Myung Ja Kim participated in the Meeting of Women Leaders on the Environment in Helsinki, Finland (Mar. 7-8, 2002)


Women ministers of the environment and representatives from 19 countries, as well as women leaders of 28 international organizations, business and non-governmental organizations working on sustainable development met in Helsinki on 7-8 March, 2002 in order to discuss issues relating to poverty, environment and women.

The delegates agreed to establish a world women environment ministers' network in the near future, to further discuss women and environment issues. The delegates pointed out that the integration of social, economic and environmental policies has yet to be fully realised.

They also agreed that women bring a unique voice to the chanllenges and opportunities of sustainable development; thus, women's experience, participation and leadership are crucial to making World Summit on Sustainable Development successful. The report of the meeting will be submitted to the WSSD, and it includes measures to facilitate sustainable economic activities, to raise public information and consumer awareness, promote equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources, and ensure that both women and men to participate fully in decision-making and implementation of sustainable development.