Press Release

Board View

Duung Marsh in Sinduri Sand Dune designated as the Korea's first marsh conservation area


The Ministry of Environment has designated the Duung Marsh, a naturally formed marsh located in the nation's biggest coastal sand dune, Sinduri, Chungnam Province, as the nation's first marsh conservation area.

From last May to August, an extensive research was done on the marsh ecosystem in cooperation with relevant agencies, and the experts submitted their suggestion to designate Duung Marsh as a conservation area. The Ministry of Environment made a final decision and designated the marsh and the nearby vicinities of 65000 square meters, as a national conservation area.

One special characteristic of the Duung Marsh is that its surface is composed of grains of fine sand, which forms a very peculiar land shape. These sands were blown in during the formation of the coastal sand dune, and settled down over a period of many years.

Also, even though Duung Marsh is located in a coastal area, the water is high-quality fresh water. This is because the coastal sand dune blocks the backward inflow of the seawater from flowing into the Marsh.

Ecologically, there are many protected species inhabiting in this area, such as Narrow-mouth frog (Kaloula borealis) and Korean Golden frog (Rana Plancyi choseni). Also, about 12 kinds of dune plants are discovered in this area.

According to the regulations, any kind of acts that alter the natural land form, or affect the natural ecosystem, such as picking plants or changing the water level are all prohibited.