Press Release

Board View

Environmental White Book of 2005 published by MOE


MOE published Environmental White Book of 2005 in September 2005 by collecting all the significant events and activities in 2005 including implanted new and previous legislations.

The purpose of this publication is to expand the awareness of modified legislations and systems since 1990.

Environmental White Book of 2005 is consist of a total of 720 pages, starting from first chapter on environmental management frame work to second chapter on environmental policy in various environmental areas with an added appendix and main work that MOE has accomplished.

The first part of the book talks about the promoted result of environmental policy of 2004 and the goals of MOE on environmental information, education and promotion, conservation and research and debate on environmental dispute control policy.

The Second part of the book contains various sections of environmental economy, environmental technology, land, nature, air, water, sewage & water supply, solid waste, hazardous waste and environmental health.

The last part of the book provides the information on the organization, environmental awards and various environmental current and relevant issues.

What makes the book so special and unique is that the book is written in the easier Korean environmental language where it is printed differently from the past Environmental White Books which were written in unfamiliar environmental terminologies. From now on, not only the other people from different professions but also the public will be able to understand the environmental matters better along with the Environmental White Book of 2005

Environmental White Book of 2005 will be distributed to various Ministries, universities, education institutions and national and public libraries. Some of them will be handed over to book stores all over the nation.