Press Release

Board View

UNEP GC/GMEF held in Cartargena (Feb. 13-15)


The Seventh Special Session of the United Nations Environment Programmes Governing Council (GCSS-7) and Third Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GMEF-3) took place in Cartargena, Columbia from 13 ~15 February, 2002. About 600 participants from 120 nations, including ministers, discussed preparation for World Summit on Sustainable Development and strengthening the International Environmental Governance (IEG). Ministers addressed 12 priority areas for WSSD; early warning system, globalization, poverty, capacity building, technology and technology transfer, cultural and biological diversity, support to Africa, health and environment, sustainable energy, environmental governance, implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), partnership with civil society. Especially, Korean delegate expressed its intention to host the 8th UNEP Special Session of the Governing Council (GC)/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GMEF) in 2004, and UNEP responded positively to the offer. For details about the GC/GMEF-3, visit