Press Release

Board View

Make Definite Changes for Korea in 2020! Focus on Lowering Ultrafine Dust to 20ug/m3


The Ministry of Environment announced its 2020 Action Plan:

▷ Reduce the national ultrafine dust level (annual average) to 20㎍/m3 in 2020 (25㎍/m3 in 2017; i.e. from 23㎍/m3 in 2019 to 20㎍/m3 in 2020)

○ Expand the capping system for airborne emissions (from 1 region to 4 regions), reduce emissions by 20% from industrial sites with high airborne pollution volumes (compared to 2019), eliminate 1,000,000 old diesel-powered vehicles (compared to 2018) and put 200,000 (aggregate) cleaner-operating, future-oriented vehicles on the road 

○ Perform scientific inquiries, to include three-dimensional observation via satellite and aircraft and analyses of reginal emission characteristics and terrain as well as and interregional effects; recommend tailored solutions

▷ Create 19,000 "green" jobs and induce 4.5 trillion won worth of new production by intensively nurturing the clean air, smart water, climate & energy, and ecological service industries

○ Based on the national financial investment in fine dust solutions, intensively nurture relevant industries (e.g. high-efficiency dust collection systems); through the Korea Water Cluster, pursue 280 billion won worth of new contracts in ASEAN member countries, in step with the government's the New Southern Policy

○ Establish a foundation for green industry innovation, including a 12.5 trillion won Green Finance Fund (loan support, green industry fund, etc.), green convergence technology development with other government agencies

▷Establish low-carbon development strategies in response to climate change

○ Evaluate GHG reduction performance, strengthen GHG reduction function of emissions trading program, and establish the 2050 Low-Carbon Power Generation Strategy

○ Host the P4G summit and announce Korean "Green New Deal," actively consider hosting COP28

The Ministry of Environment (Minister Cho Myung-rae) reported its 2020 Action Plan at Youngbin Hall inside the Cheong Wa Dae compound, with President Moon Jae-in in attendance on the afternoon of February 11th.

The 2020 Action Plan report focused on the Ministry's specific efforts to protect the environmental rights of the people promised in the 2019 Action Plan.

* (Article 35, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea) "All citizens shall have the right to a healthy and pleasant environment. The State and all citizens shall endeavor to protect the environment."

The Ministry will go all-out to address the fine dust issue in order to bolster the environmental safety net that preserves healthy and comfortable environments for all people as well as to promote a "green transition" of the economy and society through Green Industry innovation, climate change response, and a new nationwide recycling program. 

In addition, environmental services will be enhanced to make them accessible to all by eliminating regional and social environmental disparities.

"This year marks the 40th anniversary since Constitutional amendment that stipulates environmental rights. It's high time we elevate our environmental policies the next level," stated Minister Cho.

"Based on current laws and regulations, we will focus our every resource on improving environmental policies, so that everyone can realize the effects of the policies in daily life," he emphasized. 

Following are the Ministry's priority tasks for 2020:

1. Launch an all-out response to fine dust

The Ministry aims to reduce the nationwide average ultrafine dust concentration from 23㎍/㎥ in 2019 to 20㎍/㎥ in 2020. The Ministry will boldly and practically reduce fine dust volumes through a sweeping new fine-dust reduction policy, along with the seasonal fine-dust management program implemented from December 2019.

First, fine dust emissions from industrial sites emitting large volumes of airborne pollutants are to be reduced at least 20 percent by extending the scope of the capping system for airborne emissions in the industrial and power generation sectors, lowering permissible emission volumes by 30% (from January), and imposing a levy on NOx discharges.

The number of air quality management zones will be increased from one to four nationwide and the ceilings on air pollutant emissions for each industrial site in the zones will be designated by July. Tele-monitoring systems will be made mandatory for industrial sites under the capping system to ensure emissions volumes remain amount the permissible limits.

※(Number of the industrial sites under the capping system) 407 within the Greater Seoul Area; 1,094 nationwide (estimation)

Additionally, the airborne emissions from large-scale emitters will be monitored and disclosed in real-time, and financial support for installing air pollution prevention facilities will be provided* to SMEs to swiftly implement the tightened air quality regulations. 

*90% of the installation costs (central government 50%, local government 40%; 396 billion won in total for 2020)

Reinforcement of the capping system  -Permit distribution per year and industrial site (until July)  -Making the installation of TMS mandatory  [Greater Seoul Area] 407 industrial sites → [4 regions] 1,094 industrial sites (estimated)  Support for companies  -Operation a support center (since November 2019)  -Financial support for SMEs to install required facilities  Greater Seoul Area→central region, Greater Seoul Area→southern region, Greater Seoul Area→southeastern region.  Cutting 20% of emissions from industrial sites with high airborne pollution volumes  Review on the effectiveness of emission charges  -Added nitrogen oxide   -Impose more charges in line with the numbers of violations (May)  Reinforcement of emission criteria  -Reinforcement and implementation of emission criteria (30%, from January)  -Expanding support for small industrial sites to install pollution control facilities (2,000 sites in 2019 → 4,000 sites in 2020)  Real-time measurement and release of data  -Release of TMS data (March, 625 sites)  -Establishment of the systems to prevent and punish the manipulation of data

In the transportation sector, the number of old, dirty-diesel vehicles will be drastically reduced and eco-friendlier (electric, hydrogen fuel cell) vehicles will replace them.

This year, the number of old diesel vehicles on the road will be lowered by at least one million from the 2018 figure by revising* the subsidy program for early scrapping of aging diesel vehicles and increasing the amount of subsidy for early scrapping of SUVs (from a maximum of 1.65 million won to as much as 3 million won). The use of old construction equipment will also be restricted at government project construction sites.

*Provide 70% of the maximum subsidy, add the other 30% if the beneficiary buys a new vehicle that is other than diesel-powered

On the other hand, increase the subsidy for vehicles that will have the greatest effect on reducing fine dust concentrations (electric vehicles: up to 8.2 million won for sedans, up to 100 million won for buses), and plans call for the aggregate number in the country to exceed 200,000 in 2020 by putting at least 94,000 more on the road by providing additional refueling infrastructure (9,500 EV charging stations, 40 hydrogen stations). 

<Eco-friendly vehicle penetration plan />  [Electric vehicles] until 2019: 108,000→ 2020: 192,000   [Hydrogen vehicles] until 2019: 50,000 → 2020: 15,000

The Ministry will upgrade the methods of fine dust measurement and fine dust sources analysis.

Three-dimensional and scientific surveillances will be conducted on and outside the Korean Peninsula through a geostationary weather satellite (Cheollian 2B, to be launched in February), aircraft and ships outfitted with the latest analytical equipment systems, and ground observation stations. 

Furthermore, the approach to fine dust analysis-simultaneous readings at the national level-will be improved to account for weather conditions, terrain characteristics, and airborne emission volumes by region.

- The new regional analysis system is expected to identify the causes of high fine dust concentrations in certain regions and suggest tailored solutions. 

The seasonal fine dust management system, implemented in December 2019, will be complemented and improved. 

- Since the implementation of the seasonal management system, the overall concentration level of ultrafine dust between December 2019 and the end of January 2020 decreased by 13%* year on year. The Ministry will quantitatively analyze the effects of the seasonal management system to continuously implement improved versions of the system going forward. 

* (December 2018 - January 2019) 30㎍/m3 → (December 2019 - January 2020) 26㎍/m3 

Cooperative projects on fine dust between Korea and China will be reinforced to generate more concrete results from fine dust reduction efforts. 

The Korea-China Joint Demonstration Project for Fine Dust Reduction will strengthen bilateral support for efforts to uncover fine dust reduction projects that consider regional characteristics, and fortify cooperation on fine dust policies by designating Shaanxi Province and Shandong Province around Beijing as statistical cooperation zones.

In addition, the 2nd Korea-U.S.-Europe-Asia Joint International Air Quality Investigation (2020-2024) enables Korea to gather scientific data on fine dust and extend cooperation with international organizations, including the UN and OECD, and help induce China to act responsibly in reducing fine dust.

2. Improve "green industries"

The Ministry will intensively pursue policies to nurture "green industries" that can mitigate climate and environmental problems and serve as a new growth engine of the Korean economy.

The concentrated investments in the clean air, smart water, climate & energy, and ecological service industries are expected to create 19,000 new jobs and induce 4.5 trillion won in annual production in the "green industry" sector.

Starting with the clean air industry, the massive government outlays for lowering fine dust concentrations will be a starting point for nurturing the materials, parts, and equipment markets in the industry. 

To this end, the Ministry will financially support companies' efforts to commercialize the innovative technologies and equipment they develop for lowering fine dust (8.1 billion won, about 13 companies) in the air, as well as other financial services including preferential guarantee services for innovative fine dust equipment makers, and the fine dust fund (35.8 billion won).

Furthermore, a foundation for the clean air industry will be built through support for pilot plants (TechHive), and the establishment of the Clean Air Convergence Technology Complex (cooperating with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy).

For the water industry, the Ministry will stimulate the Korean water industry market by greatly increasing investment in smart water management technologies to prevent a recurrence of the red tap water problem that arose in 2019. Also, the Ministry will actively support Korean companies' efforts to find new markets in other countries, including the target countries of the New Southern Policy.

A pilot project for AI-based autonomous water treatment plants (Hwaseong Water Treatment Plant) will be implemented, and about 1.4 trillion won will be invested in the smart water supply sector to automate monitoring and management for every stage of tap water provision (44 local governments, 632.1 billion won).

The Ministry will also support the demonstration, accreditation and verification of water technologies mainly through the Korea Water Cluster and Kiwatec. And this year, the Ministry aims to win 283.2 billion won worth of new contracts in ASEAN member countries, the target of the New Southern Policy, by breaking into overseas markets and conducting ODA projects in the ASEAN region, including the Mekong River nations and Indonesia. 

The polices to facilitate the climate and energy industries and the ecological service industry will be intensively implemented as well.

The Ministry will increase its investment in eco-friendly renewable energy, including hydrothermal power plants (5), biogas power plants (8), and resident-participatory floating solar farms (5), and expand institutional support* to facilitate relevant equipment and product markets. 

*Considering provision of river water for hydrothermal power generation (by amending the River Act) free of charge, among other things. 

The Ministry will develop a standard to evaluate the residual value and stability of used batteries in order to have it recognized as the international standard as well, since no international standard regarding the recycling of used batteries exists to date.

The Ministry will also expand efforts for ecosystem restoration and related investments, including applying low-impact development techniques to urban areas, restoring the natural environments of rivers, swamps, and nature preserves, and nurturing the ecological service industry by securing accommodations for experiential programs mainly in the lowlands of national parks and developing and promoting high-quality ecological experience contents, such as the selection of 100 healing programs.

Meanwhile, the political and institutional foundations to support green industry innovations will be established.

With the Financial Services Commission and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Ministry will promote the Green Finance by creating a 12.5 trillion won fund for "green industries" and operating a joint Green Industry Fund with the private sector. 

- Additionally, guidelines on the Green Finance targets and requirements will be developed for Korean companies and financial institutes. 

Finally, the Ministry will cooperate with relevant government agencies to prepare convergence technology development projects for plastic alternatives, the hydrogen economy, energy-saving desalination technologies and so on, as well as to carry out R&D on key materials and parts in Korea including measuring equipment, fine dust reduction equipment, and the parts for waste disposal facilities.

3. Respond to climate change and realize a low-carbon circular economy 

The Ministry will reinforce its GHG reduction competencies to decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions. 

To strengthen GHG reduction competencies, the Ministry will analyze and evaluate the reduction performance of each government agency and release the results to the public (in the second half of the year). And the Ministry will establish the 2050 Low-Carbon Power Generation Strategy and submit it to the UN (in the second half of the year). 

The Ministry will promote GHG reduction in industry by increasing the rate for paid allocation of emission trading permits (from 3% to more than 10%) and the portion of the benchmark allocation method*, which is favorable to the facilities with higher GHG reduction efficiency.

* A method that allocates emission trading permits by comparing entities in the same industry (favorable to the facilities with higher GHG reduction efficiency)

The Ministry will do its utmost to make the year of 2020 a turning point in accelerating the nationwide climate change response.

Policy Advisory Committee for the Decarbonization Transition, Climate Action Alliance (headquarters), and Local Government Alliance for Decarbonization (collaboration) will be established to promote Korea's GHG reduction.

In addition, every available government resource will be focused on the 2nd P4G Summit (Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030) to be held in Seoul in June. 

- P4G: A gathering of heads of state and other global leaders for climate change response and the acceleration of SDGs achievement, joined by 12 member countries including Korea, Denmark, Netherlands, Vietnam, Mexico, and Chile

Taking the summit as an opportunity, the Korean government will announce its own Green New Deal strategy to provide a blueprint for the "green transition" of Korean society, and seek to host the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the UNFCCC as well. 

Every stage of recycling will be improved to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon, resource circulation society.

Recycling policies will be tightened to make the use of the materials and structures for easier recycling mandatory in plastic product manufacture, and subsidy levels will be diversified based on product quality to generate greater value from recycled products.

*Ban the use of colored plastic bottles and PVC, require labeling on unrecyclable products, and diversify the contribution levels for the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system

- A continuous resource recycling system will be established by promoting the use of recycled products in the public and private sectors as much as possible. 

* (Used plastic bottles) recycled fabrics for clothing, (used plastic bags) used for petroleum refining process or to make local governments' roadside tree protection signs

Furthermore, the current waste disposal system's high dependency on the private sector will be undertaken by the public sector, and a regional recycling system will be created to ensure maximum waste can be processed in each region.

- A new model of environment and people-friendly multipurpose waste disposal facilities for the coexistent with surrounding areas will be introduced that improves the quality of waste disposal facilities along with other facilities preferred by residents and provides more support to surrounding areas.

4. Resolve environmental disparities among regions and in society

The Ministry will restore the areas damaged by rapid urban sprawl. 

The Ministry will implement projects to restore damaged green axis and water axis,* and assess the ecological services at city parks,** utilizing the results in selecting priority targets for ecological axis restoration projects (city park areas to be developed by the alteration of use of city parks).

* City ecological axis restoration projects will be carried out in Miryang and Gokseong in 2020 (worth 20.5 billion won)

** Will be conducted in four parks in Gyeonggi Province in 2020, and will be gradually extended to other parks in Greater Seoul Area

An aquatic organism habitat restoration project based on in-depth investigations of river structures will be implemented as well.

The Ministry will strengthen cooperation with other government agencies to induce local governments to establish new plans considering environmental factors for planned management zones and carry out development projects accordingly. 

The scope of ecological services will be extended for all citizens. The types of accommodation facilities in national parks will be diversified into family-sized or solo campgrounds, and eco-lodges according to various types of demand, and the services for vulnerable people using national parks will be provided, including vulnerability-free hiking paths* and braille (visual) books.

* Hiking paths (5.8km newly built, 2.7km repaired) and campgrounds (19 sites) for vulnerable people

Paid ecological service system* will be implemented to facilitate ecological services by compensating landowners' activities for environmental protection **.

* A system to induce landowners' voluntary actions for ecological service improvement by incentivizing environmental protection activities (December 2019, amendment of the Act on the Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity)

** (Supply) food production, (adjustment) air and water purification, (support) soil erosion prevention, (culture) ecological tourism

The Ministry will resolve regional conflicts over water use and ensure equitable water use for every Korean.

In the first half of 2020, the Ministry will finalize the solution for the water supply source issue in the Nakdong river basin*, and develop integrated water management plans by comprehensively considering the water supply and demand related to the Yeongsan and Seomjin Rivers, and the current water resources available.

*(Water quality improvement) launch water quality improvement initiatives such as introducing a non-discharge wastewater treatment system in Gumi and Sungseo industrial complexes 

(Water distribution) establish water distribution plans for Daegu, Busan, and eastern Gyeongsangnam-do Province to prepare for water quality-related or other issues

Proactive and tailored management for environmentally vulnerable areas (e.g. Germuldae-ri in Gimpo) environmentally sensitive people will be strengthened. 

The Ministry will calculate the "environmental risk level" (1 to 4) of each region nationwide, and implement proactive measures (e.g. special inspections, epidemiological investigations, and health impact investigations) in high risk areas. 

The relief system for the victims of the humidifier sterilizer scandal will be improved to acknowledge the concept of comprehensive health damage (amendment of the Special Act on Remedy for Damage Caused by Humidifier Disinfectants) and provide more practical aid and funding*.

* Disability benefits and other requests of the victims can be reflected (should be discussed by relevant government agencies)

Finally, the Ministry will strengthen the criteria for lead content in paint used at childcare facilities (prohibited or less than 100ppm) and extend the targets of the environmental pollutant measurement and diagnosis project for elderly facilities, including single senior citizen households, nursing homes, and senior citizen centers (347 →500).