Press Release

Board View

30 Crested Ibis, an endangered species, will be released back into their natural habitat of Upo wetland

▷ On May 4, Yuo Elementary School students and Changnyeong-gun residents attended the event held for the Upo Crested Ibis

Sejong, May 10 - The Ministry of Environment, the Cultural Heritage Administration, the Governor of Gyeongsangnam-do, and the Mayor of Changnyeong-gun announced that 30 crested ibises, classified as an endangered species level II and a natural monument of Korea, were released into the Upo Wetland in Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, on May 4, 2023. The release took place at the Upo Crested Ibis Restoration Center in Changnyeon-gun and was attended by Yuo Elementary School students and residents of Changnyeong-gun.

It was the seventh release event since May 2019, where 40 crested ibises were released into Upo Wetland. Since 2021, two release events have been held every spring and autumn, resulting in 270 ibises being successfully released to the wild.

During the event, 30 crested ibises (16 females and 14 males) were set free into the wild. Half of them were released by opening the gate of the breeding facility, while the other half will gradually be released through a training program to help them adapt to their new environment.

Fifteen crested ibises released by opening the gate were attached with location trackers. By tracking these birds, it will be possible to ensure that the birds settle successfully in the wild and increase the number of these endangered species. The Ministry of Environment and related agencies plan to collect various ecological information that can contribute to restoring the species by tracking the crested ibis.

During his congratulatory speech, Vice Minister of Environment Yoo Je-chul expressed his hope by saying, "The newly released crested ibis will successfully adapt to its natural habitat and become an exemplary case of coexistence between humans and wildlife in the local community." He also highlighted, "The Ministry will try to restore endangered wildlife to enhance domestic biodiversity."

Mayor Seong Nak-in of Changnyeong-gun said, "Thanks to the great interest in the Upo Crested Ibis Restoration Project, the released Asian crested ibises are being spotted throughout the country." He added, "We ask for your great interest and support to help the birds released today settle well in nature"

Contact: Kwon Min-hyuk, Deputy Director

Biodiversity Division / +82-(0)44-201-7242

Foreign Media Contact: Chun Minjo(Rachel)

+82-(0)44-201-6055 /