Press Release

Board View

Discussion on Climate and Environmental Crisis Response with Group of 7 Countries


▷ Han Jeoung-ae, Minister of Environment introduced Korea's policies for carbon neutrality and biodiversity conservation and discussed international coordination in climate and environmental areas with the Group of 7 (G7)

Han Jeoung-ae, Minister of Environment participated in a virtual G7* Climate and Environment Ministerial Meeting which was held on the afternoon of the 20th of May for two days.

* Group of Seven Countries: a consultative body for discussing international politics and economic cooperation among seven major countries (the UK, the US, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Canada) and the European Union (EU) established in 1976

It is the first time for Korea to join the G7 Climate and Environment Ministerial Meeting as a guest along with Australia, India, and the Republic of South Africa.

In the meeting, the Ministers of Climate and Environment of the G7 member states and guest countries focused on carbon neutrality, biodiversity conservation, response to zoonoses, and oceanic environment preservation.

The joint commitment to △ carbon neutrality and the implementation of the Paris Agreement by setting aligned short-term goals, △recovery of biodiversity loss by 2030, △ expansion of financial resources for climate and environment in the Ministers' Communique and △ Commitments to Action, △ International Zoonoses Community of Experts (IZCE), △G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan in Annexes are adopted after having discussions for two days.

The host country (the UK) recorded the participation* of Korea and other invited countries in a separate Presidency Statement.

* Invited countries demonstrate endorsement or join the result of Ministers' Communique or annexes instead of directly participating in the adoption 

In the meeting, Minister Han underlined the necessity of carbon neutrality built on inclusive green recovery to overcome two crises of climate change and biodiversity loss and urged the G7 and the world to take action to that end.

First of all, the Minister said that Korea has decided to submit its more ambitious 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations (UN) by the end of this year and that it has come up with a carbon neutrality scenario while introducing policy efforts such as the renewable energy transition, expansion of hydrogen vehicles for the scenario. 

The Minister also presented Korea's efforts such as expanding protected areas on land and in the ocean, restoring endangered species, strengthening zoonose management to realize a harmonious society with nature. 

The Minister expressed Korea's strong willingness to cooperate with the G7 countries while highly evaluating the commitment reflected in the Ministers' Communique and Annexes as a result of the meeting.

Lastly, the Minister mentioned that the 2021 Seoul Summit for Green Future which will be held from 30th to 31st of May in Seoul will provide an opportunity to reaffirm the solidarity between developed and developing countries for inclusive green recovery.

* P4G: Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030

The Minister equally highlighted that carbon neutrality requires cooperation between developed and developing nations in sharing innovative technologies and mobilizing financial resources.

Major points of the Ministers' Communique adopted in this meeting will be reflected in the G7 Summit Declaration of 2021 G7 Summit (11th to 13th of May).