Press Release

Board View

Asean Members Make a Visit to Korea for Intensive Environment Cooperation


Senior officials from the Asean Secretariat and member states visited Korea to discuss measures for environmental cooperation.

Ten senior officials from nine member states (excluding the Philippines) and two officials from the Secretariat discussed environmental cooperation measures while visiting Korea’s major environmental agencies and facilities between May 30 and June 4.

They particularly discussed with the Ministry of Environment climate change, the rehabilitation project of tropical forests in the Southeast Asia and FTA-related cooperation measures.

During their staying, the Asean members visited environmental agencies such as the Environment Management Corporation, Sudokwon Landfill Sites Management Corp., Kyerongsan National Park, etc. to experience Korea’s sophisticated environmental policies and facilities.

They also visited Pantech & Curitel, a wireless phone company, and look around the Ubiquitous Dream Center at the Ministry of Information and Communication to better understand information and telecommunication technologies.

Training officials of Asean member countries was planned during the first ‘ASEAN +3 (Korea, China and Japan) Foreign Ministers Meeting’ held in Laos in 2002.

The Ministry of Environment will take this training event as an opportunity to produce substantial environmental cooperation with Asean nations.