Press Release

Board View

Korea's first bio-diesel gas station opened near Sudokwon (Seoul metropolitan) landfill sites in northern Incheon (June 5, 2002)


1,600 garbage trucks enter to Sudokwon Landfill sites will use bio-diesel fuel at the same or slightly lower cost than regular diesel fuel, as a pilot program. Bio-diesel is the mixture of 80% of regular diesel and 20% of organic materials such as rice bran and soybean oil, and is well known for its effectiveness to reduce air pollution.

According to a study by the National Institute of Environmental Research, bio-diesel generates 17 percent less carbon monoxide, 15 percent less hydrocarbon, 18 percent less particulate matters, and 14 percent less smoke than regular diesel fuel.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also recognized using 1 ton of bio-diesel has impact of reducing 2.2 tons of carbon dioxide. Thus, the use of bio-diesel is expanding in the U.S.A. and France since 1990.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy passed a bill on May 25 allowing the testing of bio-diesel fuel. According to the bill, a district can be designated as a test region at the request of the Minister of Environment and the mayor or local governor.

Ministry of Environment plans to gradually expand the supply of bio-diesel based on the result of this pilot program.