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The Statistical Office of the European Communities(Eurostat) announces a total of 33.3 billion Euros spent on the EU industries as environmental expenditures

The study conducted by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), assessed and reported the environmental investments and expenditures of the industries of 15 EU member countries in 1999.

According to the data, the total environmental expenditure was almost 33.3 billion Euros, which consist of the investment on the environmental pollution prevention equipments of 8.7 Euros (27%), and the investment on the various environmental equipment operation costs of 24.6 billion Euros (73%).

The total environmental expenditure was composed of the following: 23% of expenses on the air pollution control, 29% on wastewater management, 29% on solid waste management, and 19% on other areas such as noise control and soil protection.

China's very first "Yellow Dust Almanac" to be published this year

China announced its plan to publish the nation's most authoritative report on the yellow dust called "The Yellow Dust Almanac" for the first time this year.

The Committee of Yellow Dust Experts, composed of 25 experts in the related areas will gather efforts not only to publish the Almanac, but also for the yellow dust weather detection, forecast, and warning. The Committee will also work on the analysis and consultation of the information related to the yellow dust.