Press Release

Board View

Improving Competitiveness through Infrastructure Enhancement in the Electric Vehicle Charger Technology Sector

▷ Vice Minister of Environment visits electric vehicle charger automated production site to listen to challenges and suggestions

The Ministry of Environment (Minister Han Wha-jin) announced that Vice Minister Lim Sang-jun visited the EVSIS Cheongju Factory (located in Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju)* on the morning of May 21 to observe the automated charger production process and listen to the difficulties and suggestions for project promotion from the officials there.

* The existing electric vehicle charger production factory, which originally produced 10,000 units, was expanded in January 2024, aiming to achieve an annual production of 20,000 units.

The stable supply of electric vehicle chargers is a prerequisite for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, which is a key element in achieving the National Determined Contributions (NDC) goals for greenhouse gas reduction in the transportation sector. South Korea aims to install 1.23 million chargers by 2030 and is currently achieving continuous quantitative growth through market expansion efforts. 

However, the fact remains that there’s a significant reliance on imports for core components of electric vehicle chargers (power modules*). Moreover, alongside quantitative expansion, there is a pressing need for fundamental advancements in charger technology, including broader adoption of new charging technologies** and enhancements in core technology performance.

* Power module: The core component of fast chargers that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC)

** New charging technologies: Wireless, portable, overhead, intelligent robot-based, etc. 

On the day, Vice Minister Lim Sang-jun inspected the electric vehicle charger production site and planned to explore measures to enhance technological competitiveness to foster the green new industry.

Vice Minister Lim stated, “Through improving the infrastructure of domestic electric vehicle charger technology, we will support the creation of new jobs and facilitate active overseas market expansion for companies.” He added, “We will explore various policies and consider on-site support measures necessary for companies, such as research and development.”

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division. 

Contact person: Gina Lee, foreign media spokesperson

Phone: +82-44-201-6055

Email: gcjgina