Press Release

Board View

Installation rate of the water-saving systems in the public facilities nationwide


A study conducted on the installation rate of water saving equipment in public facilities which use a mass amount of water, revealed that about 89% of the public baths and 83% of the lodging houses have the water-saving equipments installed in their facilities.

Regionally, Chungcheongbuk-do topped the list with the 99% the installation rate, but Gangwon-do, which suffered the most from the flood damage this summer, showed only 68% of the installation rate.

The Ministry of Environment explained that since Korea is high on the list of water-scarce nations designated by the United Nations, installation of water saving systems in the public facilities should be made obligatory in all regions.

The Ministry of Environment plans to monitor the citizen's opinions and make amends for the insufficient items in the measures, so that in the near future, water-saving systems, which benefit the economy as well as saving the water resources, can be installed in all the public facilities nationwide.