Press Release

Board View

The Extended Producers Recycling System(EPRS) officially launched nationwide


People in Korea do not need to be concerned about how to throw away their broken, outdated, or old electronic products anymore. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2003, the Extended Producers Recycling System(EPRS) will be officially launched nationwide, in which product manufacturers will take full responsibility for the recycling and disposal of their products.

About 18 products are subject to the EPRS, which include electronic products, plastic bags and wrappers, styrofoam materials, cellular phones and fluorescent light bulbs. The manufacturers will collect and recycle their products after consumers use and discard them, or pay for the full cost needed for recycling. This measure will not only promote recycling but also force manufacturers to improve product design so that waste generation is minimized and recycling becomes easier.

Through the official launch of the Extended Producers Recycling System(EPRS), the Ministry of Environment plans to promote more recycling, minimize waste generation and increase the demand for recycled products.