Press Release

Board View

Electric Vehicle Battery Service Industry: Public-Private Collaboration Creates New Growth Opportunities

▷ Presentation of 8 promising service models including electric vehicle battery subscri.ption and performance diagnostic services.

▷ Launch of ‘Public-Private Joint Council’ with collaboration between Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and industry.

The Ministry of Environment (ME, Minister Han Wha-jin), the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Minister Ahn Duk-geun), and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT, Minister Park Sang-woo) are joining forces with related industries to foster the electric vehicle battery service industry.

The term “electric vehicle battery service” refers to various services that create added value throughout the entire lifecycle of a battery, from its installation in an electric vehicle to charging, maintenance/replacement, removal/transportation, and remanufacturing/reuse/recycling. Although the related industry has yet to fully grow, it is gaining attention as a promising future industry alongside electric vehicle adoption on a global scale. It is a crucial time for public-private cooperation to lead the future battery service industry, based on the high competitiveness of the Korean electric vehicle and battery industries.

Against this backdrop, on June 18, a ‘Roundtable Meeting on Fostering the Electric Vehicle Battery Service Industry’ will be held at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (located in Jung-gu, Seoul), jointly presided over by Vice Minister of ME, Lim Sang-jun; First Vice Minister of MOTIE, Kang Kyung-sung; and Second Vice Minister of MOLIT, Baek Won-kug.

At the meeting, eight promising service models selected directly by the industry will be presented. These models include subscr.iption services and financial services to reduce the burden of purchasing electric vehicles; performance diagnostic services to help use batteries longer and more safely; and services for generating additional revenue from electric vehicle batteries, such as carbon credit trading services and power trading services.

On this day, the ‘Public-Private Joint Council,’ involving the three ministries (ME, MOTIE, and MOLIT) and the industry, will also be officially launched. Through this council, the government and the industry will continuously collaborate to foster and develop the electric vehicle battery service industry, including the eight promising models.

The Public-Private Joint Council plans to serve as a regular communication channel to identify and resolve issues that arise during the industry's business activities. In addition, through this council, the government and the industry will collaborate on establishing common standards for performance evaluation, transportation, and storage necessary for the revitalization of the industry, as well as promoting pilot projects for promising service models such as battery replacement and mobile charging.

Vice Minister of Environment Lim Sang-jun stated, “It is highly significant that the relevant ministries have come together to hold a collaborative on-site meeting to foster the electric vehicle battery service industry,” He added, “The Ministry of Environment will expand infrastructure for electric vehicle battery services, such as mobile electric vehicle charging services and the installation of battery-swapping charging stations for electric motorcycles, to stimulate growth in the related industries.”

Meanwhile, on the same day, as a pre-event to the meeting, a business forum jointly hosted by the battery and automotive associations will be held. During this forum, companies will directly introduce their own service business models.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Division. 

Contact person: Gina Lee, foreign media spokesperson

Phone: +82-44-201-6055

Email: gcjgina