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The Earth Day 2003


The Earth Day 2003

April 22 of each year is the Earth Day, the celebration of the birth of the modern environmental movement. It is a day which millions of the people around the world focus their efforts on important environmental issues and global environmental problems, with annual celebration of environmental events and activities.

This year marks the 33rd Anniversary of Earth Day. This year''s Earth Day theme is "Water for Life", coinciding with the UN International Year of Freshwater. With the approach of Earth Day each year, it is important for everyone to reflect upon the set of environmental challenges that the Earth is faced with.

In Korea, various events and activities such as bicycle journey around Seoul, flea market for helping the Iraqi Children, and meal for the earth are being planned to be held on Sunday, April 20, at the City Hall Square in Seoul.

History of Earth Day

The Earth Day was first founded by Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin. The idea for Earth Day, according to the founder Gaylord Nelson, evolved over a period of seven years beginning in 1962. For many years, Senator Nelson was troubled by the state of the environmental issues in the U.S., which were being treated as matters of no concern in the political arena. Even though environmental degradation was a serious issue at the time, politicians were refusing to put them onto the national political agenda.

Mr. Gaylord Nelson begin to speak on the seriousness of the environmental issues to a variety of audiences all across the country, in an effort to thrust the environment into the political arena. He proposed the first nationwide environmental protest "to shake up the political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda." He wanted to spread the environmental concerns of the general public with the student anti-war energy, just like anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, called "teach-ins" which had spread to college campuses all across the nation at the time.

On April 22 of 1970, a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment begun, which organized itself to become the very first "Earth Day", which in turn left a mark in the history of the modern environmental movement.

When is Earth Day?

The official date of Earth Day is 22 of April. However, since most events and festivals need to take place on a weekend, Earth Day events are often scheduled for the weekends before or after 22 April. In 2003, Earth Day falls on a Tuesday, but is celebrated on Sunday, April 20, in Korea.

Also, many also observe Earth Week and Earth Month for week-long & month-long activities and events. Furthermore, some places also have year-long activities, treating every day as an earth day.

Korea''s Celebration of Earth Day

After the first Earth Day celebration in Namsan in 1990, Korea became part of the worldwide Earth Day Network, and continues to celebrate the annual Earth Day with various events scheduled for protecting our environment. This year''s celebration, sponsored by the Seoul City Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Environment, with various environmental organizations, NGOs, and environmental activists participating, will be held in the City Hall Square in Seoul on Sunday, April 20, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Among the highlights of the events are the promotion of the Car Free Day program, which is a worldwide campaign aimed at raising public awareness about sus ta inable transportation solutions, and encouraging citizens to think about the impact of their transport choices and how cleaner, more effective forms of transportation can enhance the quality of life. On Earth Day, millions of people around the world join together in many different kinds of car free activities.

Also, on Sunday morning, a bicycle journey around Seoul, which is a part of the Earth Day program, begins from various regions of Seoul. It is composed of 4~5 different routes that finally meets in the City Hall Square. Around 1500~2000 people are expected to participate in this event.

Throughout the day, a flea market for helping the Iraqi children will take place with people''s donated clothing and other materials. All the profit will go to buying medical products to be sent for the Iraqi children. Various booths will feature fun activities such as face painting, exhibitions of agricultural products, water sampling, watershed map drawing and other programs for educational purposes and environmental preservation.

Earth Day 2003 Events Around the World

In Canada, Starbucks is leading a corporate challenge as their employees are volunteering to remove invasive plant species from the Campbell River Estuary, and the company is matching their volunteer contribution at a rate of USD$10 per person hour. Volunteers will be participating from the Greenways Land Trust, Discovery Stewards, DFO, and NIEFS'' Project Planet. Funds raised will be used for restoration and education projects.

In Bolivia, there will be a seminar on "Quality of Life", with discussions on issues related to environment, sustainable development, health and education. This seminar will try to involve and to get the message to Governmental leaders, environmental institutions, students, etc.

In Australia, the Global Garden Party is St Kilda''s environmental festival, held in the St Kilda Botanical Gardens. This non-profit event, encourages people to think about their actions and the impact it has on the environment, it an arena within a festival to promote, sustainable living, recycling, biodiversity, alternative and progressive ideas and products that will contribute to a sustainable and just future for Australia.

In Jamaica, Environmental Foundation of Jamaica is funding the planting of 2,500 seedlings with the involvement of schools, other environmental organizations, governmental organizations, tourists, and Ocho Rios Marine Park stakeholders.

In Spain, more than 100,000 people will gather in Barcelona to celebrate Earth Day. This year, the annual fair will run 100% on "green energy", trying to prove that we don''t need to depend on fossil nor nuclear energy.

In Greece, there are special programs in order to raise awareness regarding drinkable city-water. Undertaking field project for the water fountains in the countryside and its sanitary and health prerequisites.

In Kenya, Environment Trust of Kenya (ETK) will use Earth Day to initiate a series of stakeholder dialogue that would culminate in the formulation of an Urban Environmental Management Framework for Mombasa City. Some of the problems that the City faces include: Shortage and contamination of both ground and surface water, Air pollution resulting from unsustainable transport systems, poor waste management practices, marine pollution. The Trust will conduct a 3-day public dialogue to discuss these pressing challenges. The expected outcome will be an Urban Environmental Management Framework for the city.

In Sierra Leone, Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone ( FOESL) will sponsor Earth Week and Earth Day 2003 events from April 16th to April 27th. On April 16th, an Earth March is being planned from Victoria Park to the Miata Conference Center. On April 17th to April 18th, a "Water For Life" workshop will be held. For Earth Day on April 22nd, FOESL will launch an Earth Day symposium at the Ricardo-Navarro Eco-centre. This symposium will focus on water pollution and other environmental issues that need to be addressed. Events for the rest of the week include a tree planting as well as a friendly football match.

In the United States, various state-wide events and activities are planned. Some of the highlights include Hawaii, where the Earth Friendly Schools Hawaii-International is sponsoring its 8th annual Caring for the Earth Month in April 2003. The entire month is devoted to acknowledging local and international projects that promote: respect for the earth, initiatives on sustainability, and community service learning by youth. Also, in Houston, Texas, the United Nations are holding a symposium entitled "Safe Water for All: Challenges for the Coming Decade." There will be an open plenary on "Safe Water: The Challenges: Health, Privatization, Conservation, Purification." In Portland, Oregon, on April 27th, Chinook Book is promoting Earth Day Challenge, a citywide effort to change the way Portlanders impact the environment in their homes. The five-part challenge, which includes water conservation, transportation and green power options, organic and local food choices and watershed restoration activities, encourages Portland residents to make simple, yet achievable lifestyle changes to help reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions.


Nowadays, Earth Day is widely celebrated around the world as a public expression to create a sustainable society with a sound and healthy environment.

It seems that the biggest challenge for the 21st century, is building a society based on the concept of sustainable development. Since sustainability is a concern all over the world, everyone should all be actively involved in activities to preserve and protect our environment for our future generations. Only when the citizen groups, local governments, businesses, neighborhoods, schools as well as the individuals all around the world participate in activities for preserving our environment, a sustainable future will be possible.



Earth Day 2003

Earth Day Network